Jacqueline Austin
Portugal, Fiction, Non-fiction

Jacqueline Austin

Brought up in the garden of England, the county of Kent, Jacqueline Austin is a native speaker of English. A former independent academic researcher (PhD awarded in 2010) she has lived in central Portugal since 2012. She takes great pleasure in discovering Portuguese literature and culture in all its aspects and today rarely reads anything that is not written in European Portuguese. In 2020 she gained the DAPLE (PLE) qualification Level C1.

In translation as a profession she is just starting out. To date she has translated one single novel (published as an ebook), while her translation of a short story by Raul Brandão was featured in November 2024 on the Asymptote blog [https://www.asymptotejournal.com/blog/by/jacqueline-frances-austin/]. She does have some projects ongoing, and looks forward to telling you something more about these in the near future.

ORCID: 0009-0001-9271-7740

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