Africa, Fiction, Non-fiction
Jethro Soutar
Jethro Soutar is a translator of Portuguese and Spanish. He has a particular focus on African literature and has translated novels from Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau and Equatorial Guinea - including By Night the Mountain Burns by Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel, shortlisted for the 2015 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize - and short stories from Angola and Mozambique. His translation of the narrative non-fiction work Under Our Skin by Joaquim Arena, from Cape Verde, will be published by Unnamed Press in 2022.
He also writes fiction, non-fiction and journalism in his own right, and he's a co-founder of Ragpicker Press and an editor at Dedalus Africa. Originally from Sheffield, he now lives in Setúbal, Portugal.
Latest Publications
Picture A Favela Translated by Jethro Soutar
She Rides Like The Wind Translated by Jethro Soutar
The Madwoman of Serrano Translated by Jethro Soutar
Mediterranean Algarve. Tradition, Produce and Cuisine. Translated by Jethro Soutar
The Ultimate Tragedy Translated by Jethro Soutar
Hotel Brasil Translated by Jethro Soutar